Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Spotlight - '19 Cody Wolfe, OF/RHP, Ballard

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Iowa

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PBR: Why did you choose the school you did?
WOLFE: I chose John Wood CC because from the moment I first stepped on campus it just felt like the best fit for me. Honestly, it felt like I was in my hometown of Ankeny even though it was 3 hours and 45 minutes away from everything I've ever known. The biggest thing is that as I stood there on campus for my last visit I could picture myself spending my next two years there. 

PBR: What other schools were you considering?
WOLFE: I was also considering Kalamazoo Valley CC, and Heartland CC and I showed much interest in both programs, but with what I was looking for in a program it was really clear for me to choose John Wood since it has my major of choice, the climate, and not quite as far as Kalamazoo.

PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with him?
WOLFE: The coaching staff first saw me on August 25th at one of their own hosted showcases and felt I needed to get myself noticed so they would keep an eye on me. After the showcase Coach Hightower and I started to text over the next couple weeks and I just felt that the Coach and I just clicked.  It seemed we understood each other and I knew then that I could be an asset for the Blazers.  

PBR: Do you feel relieved now that the process is over and you can just focus on baseball and not deal with everything that goes into picking a school?
WOLFE: I do feel relieved now because the process has honestly brought me stress and anxiety because I didn't know what was happening, but now that it is over. I can focus on my senior season and work on my craft to make myself and my team the best competitors we can be. The decision was still tough because I was also interested in two other very great schools, but it was easy for me to just sit down and talk about with my family and to pick the best fit for me.

PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?
WOLFE: One deciding factor for me was how close John Wood is to home because it's just one Friday evening drive away from being able to come see my family and friends. Also because of what they saw in me and how they believed I could help from the very start.

PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?
WOLFE: There has been a lot of people help me along the way of pursuing my dream of playing college baseball. A big one that stood out to me was the Sticks organization as a whole, since my freshman year they taught me how to play the game correctly and how to be able to handle the adversity that will face me in the future. I also truly believe that if I didn't play with the Sticks Organization that I wouldn't have developed into the ball player I am today because they really knew how to push me, and at what points to push, so that I could improve every aspect of my game. I also truly think another big help was my family and also my teammates because they each knew their roles in the game and how to help me when I faced a large amount of adversity.

PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it easy/difficult?
WOLFE: To be honest the recruiting process exceeded my expectations because it helped me realize that I truly had more options to go to college for, and it showed me that pitching was not my only road to the next level.

PBR: What plans does the coaching staff have in store for you in your freshman season?
WOLFE: The plans that the coaching staff has for me at the start of the freshman year is that I will be a two-way player that is pitching and playing the outfield as well as bringing my bat into the lineup.  The coaching staff is also wanting the new freshman they are bringing in to help on offense in anyway that they can.

PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?
WOLFE: For me my most memorable baseball moment was this year during the high school season and we were on the road to one of the top ranked teams in our district, Boone. It was probably one of the most exciting games I personally have ever been a part of. We came back from a 6-1 deficit to extend the game to 12 innings of grinding, fighting, and really figuring out who we are as ball players. As our coaches liked to tell us, they said we have something special and that's called S.W.A.G. (Success When Adversity Grows) this just means that when the game is on the line that is when we play our best baseball of the season. This was also for me my best performance I had during the season, because I went 6 for 7 up at the plate and pitched 6 innings of straight Iron-Man relief work.

PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?
WOLFE: The toughest player that I have faced would be Nic McCay. I say this because, when he was on the mound or at the plate he made me work for everything I was trying to achieve. At the end of the day we both have a ton of respect for each other and what we did.