Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Spotlight - '18 Noah Janssen, OF, Johnston

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Iowa


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PBR:  Why did you choose Concordia?
JANSSEN: I really enjoyed my visit to Concordia and felt a connection with not only the coaching staff and other players but the campus as a whole.         

PBR:  What other schools were you considering?
JANSSEN: Central College.

PBR:  Where did they first see you? How did your relationship develop with the coaching staff?
JANSSEN: I am not sure the first time they saw me; but I was able to really connect with the coaching through talking to them multiple times and I felt a real similarity to them with many other coaches I have had in the past.

PBR: What role do you expect to play your first year on campus?
JANSSEN: In my first year on campus I just want to be able to play any role that is needed of me and find ways to improve to be the best I can and adapt to the college game.

PBR: Who has had the biggest impact on you as a baseball player?
JANSSEN: Someone who has had the biggest impact on me as a baseball player would be my former USSSA coach Mike Donohoe. I have spent many hours hitting with him or even just talking with him about the mental aspect of the game.

PBR: What have you worked on/improved since last year?
JANSSEN: I am working on improving in all aspects of my game. I always want to keep improving my hitting as well as becoming a lot better defensively.

PBR: Who is the best player that you have played against or with?
JANSSEN: Someone I've most enjoyed working with is Nathan Buckallew who happens to be a future teammate of mine. I enjoyed working with him because he is going to push everyone to get better, even if you don't play the same position as him, he will always find ways to help you which I really appreciated as an underclassmen last year.

PBR:  What are your thoughts on the recruiting process? Any advice for other players who have the desire to play college baseball.
JANSSEN: Advice I have for future recruits would be look at all the options you have. Don't just automatically limit it to one of two schools. If a school reaches out to you it means they have some interest in you. Don't make your decision too early and just go with where you feel the most comfortable.