Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Corner: 2022 RHP Eliakim Stowe (Millbrook Prep)

Dan Cevette
President, New York

We are excited to have back one of our more popular features which gives an in-depth look not only to the baseball side of commitments across New York but also a quick look into their personal side.



Commitment: Maryland

the stowe file


Tell us about your commitment to Maryland. Why did you decide on your school? 
I am very excited about Maryland and knew it was the right fit after I met the coaches and went to their camp. When I first started talking to Maryland I thought it was weird how coach Muscara gave me a homework assignment and continued to do so every time I talked to him. Though the thing was it was different from every coach because no one else did that. Maryland doesn't care about the aesthetics as much as other schools do. They care about the "why". It took me a while to realize that but once I did I knew they were the right choice. I went to their camp not knowing what was in store and once the pitchers started doing drills and coach Muscara started teaching me new things that I've never seen before it blew my mind. The Maryland camp was so different from any other camp because the coaches really dug the "why" into your brain instead of the other things that don't matter as much. This is why I chose Maryland.

The offseason is upon us. Tell us a little about your off-season training:
My off-season training is a big schedule starting in December and ending around mid March when my team goes to spring training. My travel coach and I put together a good and balanced throwing program for me to do to work my way back into throwing in a game. But even before I start throwing in December I take 8 weeks off from throwing to recover and rest my arm for the long season. While preparing for baseball I also worked out 4-5 times a week. This off season from fall to beginning of summer has been my biggest off-season yet. I had worked that hardest I have gaining 15 pounds in 13 weeks. I also prepare myself mentally by watching videos of the greats and how they approach things. I learn greatly from it. 

Baseball is a game built on adversity & failure. How have you dealt with the the ups & downs the game brings? Who might have helped you along the way?
I have definitely had many ups and downs in the past year from the game or things relating to the game. One huge problem I had was a right glute injury from playing basketball in the beginning of the summer and it was very worrisome to me that I would have to take time off that summer. Though I worked hard, fought through the pain, and got better. Though the pain was still there but wasn't as bad as early in the summer, so I had to work ways around the struggle and I did. Some of the help came from my parents always caring for me by getting me ice when I needed it.

Who is your biggest influence in the game today? 
My biggest influence in the game is most definitely my dad. Everyday from kindergarten to fifth grade my dad and I would always throw before the school bus came and it helped me tremendously. If we didn't do that I don't believe I would be where I am today. Outside of that my dad will do anything to make sure I'm doing what I need to do and always does extra. For example, almost everyday over the summer he would take me to the field and hit for about an hour. His arm would be dead and really tired but without complaint he would go out and do it the next day. He wants me to succeed just as much as I do. 

Best player you ever shared the field with and why?
I have two best player I have ever shared the field with and it is my teammates Noah Jensen, an Elon commit, and Max Viera, a Northeastern commit. Noah and Max are the hardest workers towards baseball I have ever seen. Noah is extremely tough because he had a should injury last fall and he fought and did not give up because he wanted to be the best. One thing he told me that I will never forget is, "You just have to want to be the best, and let nothing get in your way of becoming the best." That is what I think of when I need motivation. Everyday he uses it to work harder and harder than anyone at this school. Sadly Max does not go to our school anymore but last year he would always be doing things to get better like always in the gym, eating to gain weight, and he was also super creative. One time while we were hitting and he pulled out bottle caps and told me to toss them to him for him to hit. I would have never thought of doing that. I was very amazed by the stuff both of them did and how determined they were. That is why they are the best I have every played with.

How has your experience been with Prep Baseball Report?
My experience with Prep Baseball Report was amazing. In my first event I forgot to add that I wanted to field as well as pitching and just like that they let me switch. Then after that they invited me to the Futures Games, but the roster was full but somehow that found me a spot and I am beyond blessed to have that opportunity. 


Favorite Food?

Favorite Movie?
21 Jumpstreet

Favorite MLB Player?
David Ortiz

Go to game day or workout music? 
Hype music and party music

Most embarrassing moment on a ball-field?
In little league practice when my teammate completely buckled my knees on a curve ball.



The ultimate long term goal is what?
Make it to the MLB, period. 


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Past Commitment Corners