Prep Baseball Report

Colorado 2020 Commitment Tracker: Catcher Jack Roode of Kent Denver Commits to Sewanee

John Cackowski
Director of Scouting

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Scouting Report

6-foot-0, 170-pound left hand hitting C/3B. Left-handed hitter, starts in an open stance, long stride during load, mostly balanced. Attacks the ball from a short path with above-average bat speed. Recorded an 84 mph exit velocity from the tee. Natural catcher behind the plate.  Controls the game and handles all pitchers well.  Showed athletic actions while blocking and a good glove to hand transfer.  Arm is short and from a high ¾ slot. Arm played at 71 mph with a 1.97 pop-time.

6-foot, 160 pounds. The left-handed swing for a catcher plays. More power then last time we saw him in live round. Ball was jumping off bat with pull-side power. Bat stays in the zone with good extension. Exit velocity was 85 mph. Showed some ability to run with 4.15 home to first. Pop-times 2nd best at event at 1.98 off of a coach. Loose arm action throwing from a high three quarter slot with carry on throws and accurate. Smooth transfer with quick feet in exchange to throw from behind the plate. Arm velocity was 72 mph. Intrigued to see him get more strength. 

6-foot, 160 pounds. Bats left and throws right. At plate stands tall, loads straight back, and has high leg kick back. Level swing through zone. Line drives to gap to gap. 82 mph exit velo off the tee. Beats the ball when framing. Pop-times were 2.06 to 2.11 off a coach. Arm velocity was 72 mph and accurate. 

5-foot-10, 150 pounds. Bats left, throws right. Athletic looking frame. At the plate swing works real well. Tall balanced stance. Quiet load, slight in and out swing through zone. Very good extension through ball. Sometimes over rotates on lower half. 75 mph exit velocity off a tee. On throw downs has a slight hesitation which can be easily corrected. As he gets stronger arm velo will increase. Soft hands receiving.  



A 6-foot 190-pound left hand hitting catcher who ran a 7.95 60. Open stance starting slightly crouched. Strides forward and lands on line. Rolls front shoulder close at load with minimal hand movement. Bat path is flat with line drive tendencies and is quick out of the zone. Exit velocity was 82 mph. Gained ground with the right foot on a jab step getting in line for the throw. Clean exchange to a short arm action and throws from a high three-quarter arm slot at 72 mph. Pop times ranged from 2.10-2.12.