Prep Baseball Report

Central Valley Preseason ID: Pitcher Analysis

Blaine Clemmens
Northern California Director of Scouting

FRESNO, CA - Today we take a look at infielders from the Central Valley Preseason ID Showcase, held at Fresno City College on Sunday, January 13th. We've covered OutfieldersCatchers, Infielders, and Quick Hits on some standouts from the event. Player stats are also available for review.

NOTE: Players are listed in no particular order. Be sure to click on the player profile for full video from this event and more notes from other viewings.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Strong frame on 5-foot-8 160-pound body, stout proportions throughout, good body control, delivery worked well, controlled stride down slope with good direction, firm stride leg, good finish, front side glove pulls through which loses some opportunity for better extension. Overhand slot, arm works well, good focus throughout pen session, occasional fastball (74-76 mph) angle but many pitches up, good spin on curveball (59-63 mph) with 12/5 shape, release was a bit early, as he develops better extension he has a chance to have an above average high school curveball, showed best feel for the change-up (65-67 mph) and kept it down.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Big 6-foot-2 200-pound body type, large frame, potential to develop into a very physical body. Performed as a 2-way player; high-3/4 slot on mound, easy arm action, showed feel of the ball, mostly an upper body delivery at this point, as he incorporates the lower half more there is room for significant velocity increase. Fastball life was better than the overall velocity (77-80 mph) but the desired velocity will come. Bigger type curveball (65-67 mph), spin was fairly loose (perhaps just needs to grip tighter) and was released a bit early, kept change-up down (73-75 mph). Quality pitcher to keep track of in the coming years.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Lean wiry athletic 5-foot-10 150-pounds, participated as 2-way player. On mound he showed off a quick arm and a delivery similar to many middle infielders, stabbing and quick arm action, quick paced athletic delivery with some aggressive arm action, good direction down slope with good body control, slightly opens front foot early, three quality pitches for high school level, fastball 79-80 mph, curveball with nice spin and late action (69-71 mph), change-up (76-78 mph) with late diving action that is capable of being an out-pitch. Competitive demeanor on the mound.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Strong and lean athletic body at 6-foot-0 170-pounds, participated as 2-way player; On mound displayed overhand slot, high knee lift, loose backside arm action with some inversion, has arm speed that suggests more velocity can come, good direction though opens up stride foot early, spins off aggressively as his arm is working to get extension, fastball fairly straight (77-79 mph), flashed one biting curveball (63-64 mph) but others slipped out a bit early as he was overthrowing it a bit, stretch curveballs were much slower (56-57 mph), showed feel of change-up (67-68 mph), occasionally pushed and got under that pitch but it was the pitch with which he controlled his delivery best.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Long and lanky body type on 6-foot-3 151-pound frame that clearly has ample opportunity to fill in as he matures. Performed as a 2-way player; On mound he did some intriguing things, high energy delivery, lanky proportions with lots of leg/arm movement, backside arm action makes timing a little inconsistent with that deep backside stab action, loose arm with some arm speed, good direction with stride, as pen session went along he got more comfortable and got better, fastball control was spotty (74-76 mph), showed ability to finish big curveball (60-61 mph), best pitch was change-up (66-68 mph) that he throws aggressively and gets good action on.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Medium 5-foot-10 195-pound frame with thickness in lower half; wider shoulders showing growing strength in the upper half. Performed as a 2-way player. On mound has overhand slot, good body control, longer backside arm action with some wrap/wrist curl, strength in delivery with compact actions and smooth delivery, some spin off the stride foot on fastball (70-72 mph) at landing takes away some extension, direction and finish best on secondary pitches and in particular the curveball which is his best pitch, big curveball (59-63 mph) with rolling action that keeps on coming deep into the zone, displayed some feel of the straight change-up (66-67 mph). 

Scouting Report

1/13/19 Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Lean 6-foot-1 140-pound body type, long and angular with some wiry strength, shallow backside arm action, overhand slot, hides ball well, starts with low hand set, twist at top of lift, good direction down slope with slight cross body stride, stride foot opens to point directly at catcher at foot strike, displayed good body control, works quick and seems confident, could develop better finish by using lower body more, strength gains will help that, fastball (75-76 mph) fairly straight, curveball with 11/6 shape (62-63 mph) and solid feel of straight change-up (68-69 mph). Given status as a freshman he possesses some favorable velocity projectability as he physically matures.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Narrow and lean 5-foot-10 140-pounds on medium frame with length in legs; ability to add strength to frame as he matures. Performed as a 2-way player. On mound 3/4 slot, sling arm action, arm strength still developing on mound, lower body and upper body can sync up a bit better, can stay closed a bit longer to create more energy, fastball with some run (71-74 mph), best pitch is fading (67-70 mph) change-up, curveball (61-63 mph) came out a little early which limits the bite. All can be enhanced as his lower body develops and can get to better extension.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Solidly built, compact medium sized 5-foot-11 170-pound frame; sloped shoulders and a high waist with lean strength throughout. Performed as a 2-way player. On mound similar slot, whippy strong arm, sling arm action, rotational delivery, aggressive with arm, athletic delivery, bit of a heel landing with stride leg, fastball 82-83 mph with some arm side life, best pitch snappy 10/4 shaped curveball 72-73 mph, firm change-up 78-80 possibly can work as BP type fastball. Stuff has a chance to play up quite a bit in the warmer spring weather.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Long lanky 6-foot-4 189-pounds, ample room to fill out, long arms and legs, overhead slot, loose arm, strength gains will greatly enhance his stuff, some rotational spin off at finish of delivery, slight cross body stride and hips work early, bit of an upright finish, sinking fastball at 77-79 mph and with more extension there could be MORE sink/life, curveball with some rolling action 64-65 mph, best pitch was 66-69 mph change-up with some fade looks to be a good ground ball pitch.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Continues to grow, now up to 6-foot-5 210-pounds and as a young man he still has more growth ahead, XL frame with long legs showing high waist and sloped shoulders; not a finished product by any means. Performed as a 2-way player. High-3/4 slot approaching overhand, short stride that he controls well, as his lower body gains more functional strength his extension can continue to improve and enhance the life of his stuff, fastball 73-76 mph and fairly straight, best pitch is big curveball 60-61 mph and that pitch can still improve with some tighter spin, floating change-up 67-68 mph, still quite young and growing into a big body is the key to his future development.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Long, lean 5-foot-11 150-pounds with length in legs and projectable medium frame; room to add strength as he matures. Performed as a 2-way player. On mound showed three quality pitches, overhand slot, stabbing backside arm action, loose and quick arm, good body control and good hips, stuff has some life, fastball 79-81 mph with decent sink, tight 11/6 curveball 68-71 mph, best pitch was 69-71 mph change-up he threw with good feel, lots to like with him, in all regards. Stuff will play up in warmer spring weather, good chance to be a competitive high school pitcher.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Young body type on long, medium 5-foot-11 155-pound frame with length in the core and lower half while showing sloping shoulders; lean with the ability to add strength. Performed as a 2-way player. On mound overhand slot, pitched entirely out of stretch, does a lot on his heels at beginning of delivery and as he strides, works quick and has some confidence, good extension with his fastball (65-55 mph) that had some slippery movement and run, tumbling slow curveball (54-56 mph), showed feel of change-up with some cut (63-64 mph), overall showed solid feel for the ball and the zone.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Wide large frame showing thick core on 6-foot-1 210-pound body, length in legs and strength in lower half; linebacker build with agility in lower half. Performed as a 2-way player. On mound has high-3/4 slot, worked with good pace, short compact arm action, some funk as separates hands creates some arm momentum for him, fastball 71-73 mph was fairly straight, curveball 63-64 mph could get more action with some tighter spin, best pitch was 67-68 mph change-up.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Large 6-foot-2 200-pound body on big frame with higher waist and showing budding physical strength throughout. Performed as a 2-way player. On mound overhand slot, loose arm, controlled backside arm action, good direction down slope, strong delivery, stride leg has good stability and can create some leverage, gets to decent extension with good deceleration, has some power in the body, fastball 77-81 mph fairly straight but aggressive to the zone, curveball 12/6 shape with occasional biting action (61-64 mph) but mostly a tumbling roll, change-up 69-74 mph with solid feel to indicate it's a usable pitch.

Scouting Report

1/13/19 - Central Valley Preseason I.D. - Stout and strong body type on sturdy 5-foot-11 205-pound frame, competed as 2-way player. On mound has some presence starting with how he hides his eyes behind his glove, overhand slot, good direction down slope, slight cross body stride, powers the ball out of his hand, compact delivery and arm action, fastball 78-79 mph with some lively movement, curveball starts with some wrist wrap and gets nice spin on that pitch (62-65 mph), lots of run on his change-up (67-70 mph) which is his best pitch. Seems to have an idea of what he wants to do with the ball and each of his pitches.


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