Prep Baseball Report

Central Florida Trials: Player Breakdown

Doug Freeman & Phil Kerber
PBR Florida

On Jan. 19, PBR Florida hosted its second of two open Trials at Florida Southern University, leading up to Preseason All-State at IMG Academy, the Central Florida Trials. Standout prospects from the Central and South Florida were given invites to this weekend’s event.

We started our coverage this week with a Statistical Analysis and Quick Hits story. Three prospects, all infielders,earned invites to Preseason All-State. 3B Ben Brown (North Port, 2021) showed athletic actions in all facets and has a compact swing through the zone that should play. MIF Hayden Reed (IMG Academy, 2020) displayed solid defensive actions and aggressive intent at the plate. Finally, MIF Gabe Garrett (Bloomingdale, 2021) stood out most of all for his defensive play. Still developing, his present tools make him an above average defender.

Keep reading to view reports on the entire event.

Blaine Keathley, RHP, Okeechobee High School, 2019
Stands 6-foot-5, 205-pounds, lanky frame with wide shoulders, right-handed pitcher. Tall and fall delivery with regular effort, short circular arm action out of a ¾ slot. Momentum works on-line, lands square, finishes upright with soe recoil. Fastball worked 71-76. Curveball, 11/5 shape, gradual break, 59-63/. Changeup, near fastball arm speed, fade action, 64-66.

Nash Adkins, LHP, Ocoee, 2020
6-foot, 165-pound left-handed pitcher, average sized frame, thick build. Long arm action, stab on the back-side, high ¾ slot. Drop and drive delivery, works on-line, lands toe-closed, pivots to square, finishes athletically, square to the plate. Fastball worked mostly straight, 73-75. Curveball, shape varied between 1/7 and 12/6, gradual break, 58-60. Cutter played at 73-75. Changeup, mostly straight, 61-65.

William Childs, RHP, Gaither, 2019
6-foot, 180-pound right-handed pitcher, strong lower half. Unorthodox delivery, starts with back leg broken, coils hips, short arm action, side arm slot. Momentum carries downhill, lands square, finishes athletically. Fastball works 79-81 with run and sink. Slider, sweeping action, 69-73. Changeup, near fastball arm speed, fade action, 68-70.

Reese Lee, OF/RHP, Pasco, 2020
Standing at 6-foot-1, 160 pounds, defensively he comes through the ball athletically in the outfield and the throws were accurate with some carry, topping out at 82 mph. Offensively, he has a short stride and could benefit from added separation. He has loose wrists that generate some bat speed and created an exit velocity of 87 mph. He can cut himself off at times and as he learns to get separation and extension he could access additional power.

Ian Anderson, LHP/OF, Lakeland Christian School, 2021
At 6-foot-, 165 pounds he has a long, lanky and projectable frame. Ran a 7.1 60 yard dash. Defensively, would like to see more rhythm through the ball in the outfield, topped out at 78 mph with accurate throws and arm works clean. Offensively, he has a wide base and can be rotational at times. The swing path is level through the zone and as he matures and works in the lower half more and works to clear the backside with rhythm he will have offensive upside. On the mound he works with an over the top arm action and a fastball ranging from 74-76 mph. Curveball has shape at 62-67 mph and changeup worked 64-67 mph. 

Brighton Taylor, RHP/3B, Mount Dora Christian Academy, 2020
A physical, 6-foot-2, 195 pounds frame. Offensively, he has a small leg kick trigger and short to no load. The hands are very quick through the zone, generating above average bat speed and an exit velocity of 88 mph. As he learns to get added separation and utilize the lower half strength there is definite power potential. Defensively, he works under control, hands work and throws have some carry. On the mound he has some drop and drive, a strong lower half and loose arm from 3/4 slot. Full arm swing, fastball worked downhill at 77-80 mph. Curveball worked 63-65 mph and a 66-70 mph changeup.

Zachary Cole Cothren, 1B/3B, Plant City High School, 2020
6-foot-5, 200 pounds, he has long strides and ran a 7.33 60 yard dash. Defensively, has solid actions around the bag and topped out at 77 mph. Offensively there is some length, but uses the long arms to create leverage and has present strength with an exit velocity of 90 mph. He has a somewhat short stride and could access more power as he learns to use the lower half. Strength and power potential.

Carson Stephens, SS/RHP, Dixie Hollins High School, 2019
A physical 6-foot-1 frame, defensively the hands work and funnels the ball into his frame. Could improve first step quickness, but has solid defensive actions. Offensively, he has a toe tap load, clears his back side well, can get rotational with the top half, but has strength and an exit velocity of 88 mph. On the mound, he has a simple, long to short arm action, fastball worked downhill at 81-83 mph. Short slider at 67-74 mph and a 71-75 mph changeup.

Dustin Low, SS/RHP, Palm Harbor University, 2020
6-foot, 165-pound athletically built two-way prospect. Defensively, arm action is short from a ¾ slot, accurate on throws, 82 mph across the diamond. Fields position with fluid footwork, funnels ball towards midsection, clean on exchanges, plays through the ball at-times. Ran a 7.22 laser-timed 60. Offensively, balanced setup, short stride, maintains good balance through contact. Line drive type hitter, hands work to stay level, fluid rhythm, 83 mph exit velocity off a tee. On the mound, short, circular arm action, high ¾ slot, some effort. Tall and fall delivery, works on-line, lands square, finishes square with some recoil. Fastball worked 80-83 mph, run at-times. Slider, manipulated shape, flashed sweep and downer actions, 68-69. Changeup, near fastball arm speed, fade action, pulls, 72-75. 

Trevor Mannarino, RHP, Sunlake High School, 2021
6-foot-3, 155-pound right-handed pitcher, long, lanky frame. Methodical, drop and drive delivery, works on-line, short stride, lands square, finishes athletically. Arm works short and loose from an over-the-top slot. Fastball, mostly straight, sat 72-73 mph. Slider, 10/4 shape, 57-61. Changeup, fade action at-times, 63-65. 

Barrett Bourgeois, OF/RHP, Newsome, 2021
An athletic 5-foot-10, 160 pound frame, Ran a 7.34 60 yard dash. Defensively, there is some present athleticism, throws were accurate and topped out at 75 mph. Offensively, he starts slightly open and has a small leg kick trigger. Has a lottle separation, the swing is simple and fairly level through the zone. Will continue to improve with strength and maturity with offensive upside.

Grant Bournigal, SS/2B, Lakeland Senior HS, 2020
5-foot-10, 170 pounds, ran a 7.22 60 yard dash. Offensively, he has a small leg kick load. He can get rotational at times, the path is level through the zone and generated an exit velocity of 87 mph. Defensively, he works low through the ball with rhythm. Hands work well and overall solid defensive actions.

Ben Brown, 3B/OF, North Port, 2021
Listed at 5-foot-9, 145 pounds, but the frame looks longers and with more strength. Still has a lot of room to add strength and mature, but really stood out defensively. Works confidently and under control in the infield. Hands and fee work well and in rhythm Offensively, he has a small leg kick and works in rhythm as well. Tends to cut himself off at times, but there is bat speed and feel for the barrel and as he learns to get through the baseball and continues to mature there is a high offensive ceiling.

Jared Davis, SS/RHP, Freedom, 2022
5-foot-8, 150 pounds he has some twitchy athleticism. Ran a 6.96 60 yard dash. Defensively, the hands and feel work in sync through the ball. Solid defender, but will need to quicken the release. Offensively, he has a big leg kick trigger. The stride is somewhat short and leads to some steepness in the path. The hands are quick and generate present bat speed with more to come as he matures and continues to level the path out and use the lower half. Generated an exit velocity of 82 mph. On the mound, works with a short arm action from a high ¾ slot with easy effort. Momentum works on-line, lands square, finishes upright. Fastball, mostly straight, sat 70-72. Breaking ball has sweeping action, gradual break, 58-59. Changeup played at 60-62.

Cade Haddix, SS/3B, Winter Park, 2021
Strong, projectable 6-foot, 170 pound infielder. Ran a 7.43 60 yard dash. Defensively, there is some stiffness, overall has sound defensive actions and topped out at 76 mph. Offensively, he has a short stride and a simple swing. There is some steepness, but has a feel for the barrel and had line drives from gap to gap in BP with an exit velocity of 88 mph. There is offensive upside as he continues to mature with the strong frame and strength beginning to translate offensively.

Charles Harris, OF/LHP, Shorecrest Preparatory, 2020
Standing at 6-foot, 167 pounds he has an athletic stride with a good gait, runnings a 6.95 60 yard dash. Defensively, the athleticism plays well, comes through the ball and arm works clean, throw has carry and topped out at 80 mph. Offensively, there is some steepness in the path and can get rotational. There is som present bat speed and had an exit velocity of 85 mph. Could see some jumps as the path levels and gets into his lower half more.

Ryan Lowder, OF/2B, Steinbrenner, 2020
5-foot-11, 165 pounds he ran a 7.11 60 yard dash. Defensively, shows sound defensive actions in the outfield with accurate throws topping out at 73 mph. Offensively, the left handed hitter has quick hands and present bat speed. Slightly roational with the upper half, but clears the back side well and is compact through the zone, consistently finding the barrell. Added separation could see him work through the zone longer and add power with the current exit velocity at 85 mph.

Logan Rhodes, C/OF, Bloomingdale, 2020
Stocky 5-foot-10, 175 pounds with broad, strong shoulders. Offensively, the left handed hitter has a simple leg kick and load. Uses the lower half well, simple and quick hands with power potential and an exit velocity of 85 mph. Defensively, he has has strong hands, could add some flexibility, but has solid defensive potential and pop times ranging from 2.11-2.2.

Deris Spivey, OF/2B, Space Coast High, 2019
5-foot-8, 150 pounds, he ran a 7.02 60 yard dash. Showed some twitchy athleticism in the outfield, throws topped out at 77 mph. Offensively, he has a leg kick trigger. Simple hand set, roational, level through the zone. Clears back side and had an exit velocity of 86 mph.

Adrian Selles, C/3B, Osceola High School, 2021
A projectable 5-foot-10, 155 pounds with a strong lower half. Defensively, the hands work and has some flexibility. Needs to refine receiving, but hands work and will improve with repetition. Throws have carry and has present arm strength, as he learns to quicken the release the pop times will lower. Offensively, he uses the strong lower half well. There is some length, but hands are loose and has some present bat speed. Will continue to become more compact and add strength with  maturity.

Gabe Garrett, SS/2B, Bloomingdale, 2021
At 5-foot-7, 135 pounds he is currently somewhat undesized, but has a high waist and long limbs and projects very well. Really stood out defensively, where he looks comfortable and confident. Has a quick first step, works with rhythm and under control. Hands worked well and showed a quick release and accurate throws. Offensively, he has a stiff load, the hands work and there is some present abt speed and feel for the barrel. There is offensive tools and overall a high ceiling as he adds strength and matures.

Brice Mortillaro, C, Lakeland, 2019
A physical, 6-foot 208 pound catcher. Defensively, he has solid receiving actions, footwork is solid and has a strong arm with pop times ranging from 2.0-2.14 and 75 mph. Offensively, he uses his strong lower half well. Leg kick trigger and sinks into the back leg to clear the back side. Uphill path with present strength over bat speed. The strength translate to power potential with an exit velocity of 92 mph.

Hayden Reed, SS/2B, IMG Academy, 2020
Undersized at 5-foot-8, 150 pounds he gets the most out of his tools. Defensively, he has a feel for the position in the middle. Some twitchiness athletically, lateral agility and hands work. Overall, a solid all around defender. Offensively, he stood out as he stands upright and confident. He has a compact swing and quick hands through the zone. He has a feel for the barrel and showed the ability to consistently hit the ball hard during BP.

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