Prep Baseball Report


Will Arnold
Arizona Director of Scouting

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PBR: Why did you choose the school you did?
Combs: I chose Point Loma for many reasons. For one, it is close to my family in California so they can see me play and I can visit, along with being close enough to my Phoenix family to make the drive and visit. Also, the size of the school is exactly what I wanted. I have always wanted a smaller sized school, never a school with tons of students. I really wanted to go to a Christian school because my faith is very important to me. The deciding factor for me was the way Coach James and the staff coaches and develops their pitchers. Finding a school that uses Driveline protocols was huge, and Coach James was one of the first, if not the first, to implement Driveline with his staff. Each pitcher has a plan for the week, completely customized to the their goals and needs. They use data from technology like Rapsodo to analyze pitches and make their pitchers better. One thing that really excited me was how they are working on creating a new biomechanics lab.
PBR: What other schools were you considering?
Combs: I was looking at some other D2’s in California, but none really excited me like Point Loma. I think the University of New Mexico showed a little interest as well. With the help of one of my high school coaches, I was in contact with the University of Nevada, Reno a little too.
PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop?
Combs: The Point Loma coaching staff first saw me at their prospect camp in late December. I had sent many emails to their coaching staff before, but the camp was the first time they saw me pitch. After the camp was when I met all the coaches, and they introduced me to the program. I was in constant contact with Coach Calhoon and James from the time I met them until I committed.
PBR: Do you feel relieved now that the process is over and you can just focus on baseball and not deal with everything that goes into picking a school?
Combs: For sure. I’m very relieved that the process is over, as it could be very stressful at times. It takes a lot of pressure off me, as I don’t have to worry about it for the next year or so. I’m happy that I can just work on getting better and focus on baseball.
PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?
Combs: Like I said before, Point Loma is a great place for pitchers to develop and get better. I feel like I am going to be able to improve so much as a person and pitcher with all the resources available to me at Point Loma. That’s really what made up my mind for me.
PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?
Combs: My coaches, friends, and teammates have helped me so much throughout this whole process. God has given me the guidance to get thought many tough times. However, my family, especially my parents, definitely have helped me the most to get me where I am. The amount of sacrifice they have made for me is crazy, and i am just beginning to realize it.
PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it easy/difficult?
Combs: The recruiting process was intimidating at first. I was confused. I had no idea where to start. However, as it went on, I realized that it could be a lot of fun. I enjoyed researching new schools, emailing coaches, and playing in front of college coaches. I think the key for me was to not see the recruiting process as an obligation, or something I had to do, but to see it as I get the opportunity to play baseball in college.
PBR: What plans does the coaching staff have in store for you in your freshman season?
Combs: Freshman year, I will hopefully start off in the bullpen and try to prove myself. Coach James believes I have the ability to become a great starter for Point Loma, and I totally agree. It is just a matter of how long it will take me. If I work hard enough over the next year and a half, I think I can be a key part of the staff and even a starter.
PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?
Combs: I think my most memorable baseball moment would be starting the game that my high school team our region championship. I remember being absolutely locked in that night, going 6 innings, allowing one or two runs. There’s some games that I’m really in my zone, where I don’t talk to anyone, and just try to shove. That night was one of them. Sprinting on to the field to celebrate with my team after the last out was such an awesome feeling. I hope we get to do it again this year.
PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?
Combs: Jonathan Ornelas for sure. I pitched against him in a very important high school game. He is the only batter I’ve ever really been intimidated by when I’m pitching. First AB he hits into a double play to get out of a jam, but the ball was absolutely smoked. His second AB he hits a line drive up the middle. It was probably the hardest ball I’ve ever seen hit.