Prep Baseball Report

Auburn The Choice For Top-Rated 2023 In Ohio

Bruce Hefflinger
PBR Ohio Senior Writer

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Auburn The Choice For Top-Rated 2023 In Ohio

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Auburn The Choice For Top-Rated 2023 In Ohio

CAMBRIDGE - Would he attend a Southeastern Conference school or follow in his brother’s footsteps to Ohio State?

That was the decision Colt Emerson had to make.

“I had a lot of interest and a lot of great offers,” explained the top-ranked 2023 in Ohio. “It came down to one Big 10 and the rest SEC schools.

“I knew I could perform anywhere, but I’d prefer a place that’s always warm where you can get out and play. Being in the south was important to me.”

That reasoning helped sell the John Glenn sophomore on Auburn.

“I know I’ll be playing in the best conference in the U.S. and competing against the best players in the country,” pointed out the 23rd-rated 2023 shortstop in the nation.

It was a long recruiting process for the 6-0 160-pounder.

“They saw me last year,” Emerson said of when it all began with Auburn. “Then they came in a little later in the process this year, in late June. I posted video of me hitting in the cage and fielding and there was video of PBR tournaments that were put on Twitter and they saw me there.”

The 15-year-old ended up checking out the school as well.

“I was at a tournament at Lake Pointe and drove to the campus two hours away and loved it,” Emerson related. “I’ve ended up building a relationship with the coaches, they’re all such great people. It ultimately led to the decision.”

But not without some thought.

“The offer came in early July, maybe,” Emerson reflected. “But I wanted to wait until baseball was over to clear my head. This is when I really wanted to pick a school, not during baseball season.”

Older brother Brady, a 2020 John Glenn graduate, elected Ohio State at a similar time in his recruitment. 

“I really had no timeline,” Emerson noted. “I got on the phone with some former players and just knew Auburn was what I wanted.” 

The SEC program sees a lot of potential in the left-handed hitting Emerson.

“They said, ‘what can I bring to their program’ and I said they’ll ‘get a leader who will help them to victories, a great teammate and a great kid who’s going to ball out and play for them.’ ”

Emerson was sold on the Auburn coaches … and more.

“I love those guys,” Emerson said of a staff led by head coach Butch Thompson and assistants Karl Nonemaker and Gabe Cross . “Another thing was the campus and the people on the campus. It was like my hometown but with a Division I college in it. It’s country-based, which is the best fit for me.

“They have great facilities and the ability to develop players,” added the 98th-ranked 2023 in the country. “We can win the national championship.”

Emerson, who has a 3.8 GPA and is looking at a major in business with long-range plans to be a chiropractor, has made a lot of improvement in his game of late.

“I definitely took the quarantine time and put in the work trying to stay tuned into hitting and it showed in the summer,” Emerson related. “Fielding-wise, I was making plays I probably would not have made last summer. I got better at the non-routine plays.”

Middle infield is the position Auburn told Emerson he would likely fit it, “but I told them I can play wherever they need me.”

By then, Emerson is looking to be even better.

“The biggest thing I want to do is put on muscle and get stronger and faster,” Emerson explained “Those are the two biggest things I need to work on now.”

Emerson believes he can make a quick impact in an Auburn program that has been to the College World Series four of the past five seasons.

“I’ll bring a lot of leadership and a great attitude to the team,” Emerson said. “I’ll be that guy they can rely on to make the plays and get the outs. Anybody that needs anything off the field, I can be the person to help them.”

As a player, Emerson has a lot of tools as Nathan Rode, National Supervisor for Prep Baseball Report, pointed out in a “2023s To Know” listing back in November.

“A complete prospect that you could make a real argument grades out as the top defender and the top bat for his class in the state,” Rode wrote about Emerson. “Pick your position with him. He can play all three skill spots in the infield and looks like a no brainer behind the dish.” 

Emerson, who also plays wide receiver and safety on the John Glenn football team, pointed to his parents, summer coach Marc Nellist and “everybody in my community” with helping get him where he is today.
“They’ve had my back and supported me no matter what,” Emerson said.

It has the John Glenn junior excited about a future, even one that won’t include his older sibling.

“I was always an Ohio State fan growing up,” Emerson said. “I had a good relationship with coach (Greg) Beals and seriously considered them. Playing with Brady in college would have been fun since it just didn’t happen in high school (due to COVID-19 cancelling the spring season).

“Auburn wasn’t on the radar but then it got serious. It’s been a long hard process and a tough decision, but I’m glad it’s over. I can’t wait to get down to Auburn to get started.”