Prep Baseball Report

PRO INSIDER: Q & A With Jake Schrader

Name: Jake Schrader

High School: Pasco (2009)

College: University of Tampa

MLB Organization: Atlanta Braves (27th Round, 2013)

Position: 1B


PBR: Playing professional baseball has always been a dream and a goal for you. What was it like finally getting your name called and who are some people who helped you achieve that goal?

Schrader: Getting my name called was something that I can't describe! My family, friends, coaches, teammates, everyone helped me reach this goal! It truly is something that you can't put into words of hearing your name being called! 

PBR: What were some of the biggest adjustments you’ve had to make from the collegiate to the professional level?

Schrader: The biggest adjustment for me was the traveling! College you travel, but pro ball it's from one state to the next to the next, then home for a few days, then right back on the road. It's awesome traveling because we get to see parts of the country that are absolutely gourgeous. 

PBR: How did you prepare for your first full season with the Atlanta Braves Organization?

Schrader: Preparing for my first full season of 138-140 games was a challenge! You can't do too much because your body has to recover, but at the same time if you don't do enough then you will be dying in spring training! A lot of workouts, but I spent most of my time doing baseball workouts, as in BP or fielding, sprints and quick bursts, just to get my body use to spending 6-7 hours a day on the field!

PBR: What is an average day like for you?

Schrader: Average day in pro ball is about 8-10 hours. Usually do early cage work, team fundamental (bunt plays, pick offs) then we will take BP, relax in the clubhouse for a little bit, then, head back out to play a game at 7:00!

PBR: What is your goal for the rest of the season?

Schrader: Just staying healthy and helping my team the best I can! Everyone had own personal goals, and I think mine is just to help put my team in a situation to win every night, if that means getting a runner over or scoring a runner with two outs!

PBR: You’ve played baseball in the state of Florida at the High School, JUCO, and Division II levels. Knowing the levels of competition in this state and going through various types of recruiting, what is some advice you can give to high school prospects to help them achieve their goal of playing at the next level?

Schrader: My advice to high school kids getting ready for college is to enjoy high school! It's a whole new level of baseball and a whole new environment at the next level! Don't get caught up in you have to go to a D1 school. The level of talent in JUCO and Division II baseball is just as good! But my biggest thing is go somewhere where you are going to play!

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